Cervical Herniated Disc

Cervical disc herniation is a condition that occurs when the discs in the neck region of the spine are damaged or torn. In this condition, the gel-like substance (nucleus pulposus) inside the disc can protrude outward and exert pressure on the nerves. Cervical disc herniation can cause symptoms such as neck pain, pain in the arms, numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness.
Cervical disc herniation is often associated with factors such as the aging process, repetitive movements, neck injuries, or sudden forceful impacts. The symptoms can vary depending on the size, location, and compression of the herniation on the nerves. Neck pain is typically concentrated in the neck and shoulder area and may radiate down the arms, accompanied by pain, numbness, tingling, and a sensation of muscle weakness in the arms.
In the treatment of cervical disc herniation, conservative methods are often the first approach. Medications can be used to relieve pain, control inflammation, and reduce muscle spasms. Physical therapy and exercise programs can help strengthen the neck muscles, increase flexibility, and assist in pain reduction. Supportive devices and techniques such as neck collars or neck exercises may be utilized.
Surgical intervention is usually considered for patients who do not respond to conservative treatments or experience severe symptoms that significantly impact their quality of life. Surgical options may include discectomy (removal of the herniated disc), fusion (stabilization of the vertebrae), or artificial disc implantation. Surgical intervention is personalized based on the severity of symptoms, size of the herniation, and the patient’s condition.
Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are important in the management of cervical disc herniation. Seeking support from a professional healthcare team can assist in determining the correct diagnosis and treatment options.